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  • Tips for keeping your butter fresh
    As we make all of our butters fresh, we immediately freeze them to keep their freshness. We generally recommend that if you’re keeping your butter in the fridge to consume it within 2 weeks. Otherwise you can put it in the freezer for up to 2 months. If the Dairy Free butters soften too much, they will begin to melt; if this happens, simply stir the butter in the jar and place it back in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • What's the best way to enjoy my butter?
    We think our butters are best when they are slightly soft. We recommend leaving your butter out on the counter for 10-15 minutes to soften so that you can easily spread or cut your butter when you are ready to use it. If you don't have time to soften your butter, no problem it will still taste great.
  • Where can I find Ma & Jay Artisan Butters
    SAN DIEGO FARMERS MARKETS Saturdays- 8-2 Little Italy Mercato San Diego (Date Street Block 6 by dog park) Saturdays- 8-1 Poway Farmers Market (Midland Road) Sundays 9-1 La Jolla Open Aire Market (La Jolla Elementary school by the picnic tables) Sundays- 9-2 Hillcrest Farmers Market (North of the flag pole) We are now taking online orders. We offer free shipping on orders $65 or more.
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