fall in love with butter
Every time you taste something that's delicious beyond imagining and you say,
"What is in this?"
the answer is always going to be butter.
The day there's a meteorite heading toward
the earth and we have thirty days to live
I am going to spend it eating butter.
- Julie Powell

ma & jay
jay is the son of ma.
ma & jay love to cook.
covid happened, they cooked a whole lot.
adding plain butter to their meals got boring.
so, ma and jay got creative.
they explored a variety of flavors.
jay relished in the savory flavors,
while ma delighted in the sweet flavors.
together they indulged in the fruit flavors.
jay created the famous gimme gimme s'mores butter.
ma crafted the most wonderful dairy free butter.
all of the flavors came to life.
they added the butter to their coffee and along came
the fabulous energizer butter.
ma and jay eat, sleep and dream butter.
ma and jay want you to enjoy their artisanal butters
as much as they love making them for you.

for the
of butter
Why our dairy-free
butter is the best!
Our dairy-free plant based butter is simply delicious. It looks like butter, tastes like butter and melts like butter. Our dairy-free butter is made with refined coconut oil (without the coconut flavor). Coconut oil contains healthy fatty acids which are high in certain saturated fats that boost heart health. The ingredients in our dairy-free butter, may help with burning fat and also reducing hunger. In addition, it can raise HDL (good) cholesterol. So, what are you waiting for?
Why our Compound
Butter is good for you!
All of our compound butters are made with grass-fed butter, which is a good source of vitamin A and antioxidants. Grass fed butter has a higher proportion of healthy, unsaturated fats and provides vitamin K2, a form of vitamin K that plays an important role in your bone and heart health. In addition, grass-fed butter is higher in omega-3 fatty acids. These are thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and have been linked to many health benefits.
Energizer Coffee Butter
Butter in coffee may seem weird at first. But people everywhere have been praising the benefits of butter coffee. A drink combining the quick boost of caffeine with the sustained slow release of energy from butter. It helps boost mental clarity and cognitive function. Perfect for Keto diets and weight loss.